
January 5, 2019

weekend happenings

For me, this first weekend of the year is all about relaxing as much as possible, so I’m taking a cue from these two adorable Labradors!

With the holidays behind us, I’ve been focusing on a few ways to relax, and one way is to unwind in the evening and catch up on “The Crown”. 

In fact I started just before Christmas on the very first episode, and I’m totally hooked! It's similar to Downton Abbey with the amazing sets and costumes, and the story is captivating!

Do you watch it?

I want to prepare myself for season three which debuts very soon, with a whole new cast, as the Queen Elizabeth’s timeline jumps ahead a few years.

I’m looking forward to more thrifting adventures in the new year. Just before the holidays, I found these two pretty little European paintings. 

The top one is my favorite and is so darling, It has just the right colors for my kitchen. I'm still trying to figure out just the right spot for it. I should probably display them together, what do you think?.

Anyhow, the top one is about 8 x 10 in size, and was only $8, while the other one was $10. You should have seen me at the thrift store when I spotted these... 

I hope no one was in my way, because I literally rushed over and quickly grabbed them and put them in my cart for safe keeping, haha.

Here's what I found at Roger’s Gardens this week

Over the last couple of months, with the cooler weather setting in, I’ve been spending more time in the garden freshening things up and planting a whole new section in the back where a fence was replace and plants were taken out.

So, my go to for inspiration is always Roger’s Gardens, although I do like Armstrong’s as well. I’ve planted quite a few little drifts of ornamental cabbage and kale recently. They come in the most divine greens and purples.

They're so perfect with all the herbs and succulents that we already have in the garden. 

The focal point of the new little garden area is a lemon tree, and the surrounding that I've planted several English style climbing roses,  and about eight pretty old-fashioned rose shrubs that will have beautiful romantic-style blooms and hopefully lots of heavenly fragrance too! 

They're all edged with some of my favorite herbs like rosemary, thyme, chives and sage.

Among the old-fashioned roses I planted like a Gertrude Jeckyll and several David Austin roses are two new Downton Abbey roses! This one's called Violet's Pride, named after Maggie Smith's hilarious character and...  

this one’s called Edith’s Darling, you can see the beautiful shape of these flowers here. I can’t wait ‘til I’m able to cut a fresh bouquet of them and bring them into the house!

We’re expecting some rain later today which all the plants will love, but for me that means it’s time to hunker down and get some stuff done at home.

I have all my Christmas décor on the dining room table right now ready to be boxed up, so putting it all away is next on my list!

Happy weekend!

ciao! fabiana

for lots of fun extras, please follow me on instagram!

photo of dogs from Country Living

January 4, 2019

beautiful storage ideas

As the new year kicks into high gear, organization is always something I strive for. After all the holiday decorations are put away, I crave a new blank palette in my home, and part of that includes putting stuff away and being more organized.  

Something as simple as a stylish rack on the wall is the perfect place to keep your handbag and outerwear handy and neat.

Books can be organized by color on the bookcase for a really cohesive look that creates a beautiful backdrop.

Just a few chic accessories dress up the open-shelving in this bedroom.

A variety of neutral objects with interesting textures unite in this dining nook for an artistic display. Notice how certain elements, like the candlesticks, are repeated on each shelf.

In this mudroom, everyday objects are kept close at hand and provide just the right accent for the shelves.

We’re seeing more and more open shelving in kitchens, and for good reason! It’s so pretty when displayed with just the right goodies.

A collection of vintage silver livens up this kitchen and keeps things handy when unexpected guests arrive.

You know those pretty plates and antiques dishes you keep picking up at thrift stores and estates sales?  And, yes, I’m talking about myself, lol!

Displaying them on the wall is a great idea!

This narrow butler's pantry serves as a second kitchen and does so beautifully with a full wall of unexpected storage on the right.

A charming pantry is just as beautiful inside as it is outside.

Keep displays organized and tidy, like this simple collection of ironstone in the dining room.

Even LP’s and turntables can be kept organized when you plan for something that looks like this with plenty of modern and mid-century style.

ciao! fabiana

photo credit:  Australian Home Beautiful, California Homes Magazine,
Cottage Country, Country Living, BHG, Domino and House Beautiful magazines

January 3, 2019

a cozy home filled with vintage finds

The start of a new year gets me so excited about new possibilities and options for décor. 

It’s always fun to see a new twist on using favorite vintage finds in our homes. Not only does this personalize our space, it also creates our own unique style.

Fresh from the pages of Country Living, take a peek at how antique lover Jeanette Fristoe styled her home with her favorite collected treasures.

Keeping the backdrop neutral helps showcase collections and keeps things from looking cluttered.

A fun little flock of sheep keeps instantly creates a happy and stylish vignette.

To offset the white beadboard walls and upper white cabinetry, black cupboards and built-ins add  an elegant look to the kitchen.

The charming butler’s pantry is light, bright and filled with interesting textures.

The large Aga range in “Racing Green” was a gift from Jeanette’s husband and is the perfect focal point in this black and white kitchen.

Soothing and calm is the vibe in the bedroom.

A burlap feed bag was found in France and proves to be the perfect container for this philodendron.

I love that Jeanette painted every interior wall with a high-gloss white, that way her collections are the prime focus of her home. The sole exception is her living room, see first  photo, which is panted in the most perfect shade of soft gray. 

Which room is your favorite?

ciao! fabiana

for lots of fun extras, please follow me on instagram!

photo credit: Country Living

January 2, 2019

the paris market in savannah

The Paris Market is one of the first places I visit when I get to Savannah. Just the name alone sounds perfect!

This adorable store is filled with so many gifts, antiques, interesting home goods and a yummy coffee bar. So I really wanted to offer you a little peek at this place!

The street level of the Paris Market offers small gifts, jewelry hand-made items and that amazing little café, but downstairs the vibe was totally different. 

Antiques mingle with beautiful new merchandise and pretty little vignettes are set throughout the whole bottom level.

I can’t get enough of the building's vintage architecture that acts as a backdrop for the pretty items in this shop. 

There's a stunning display around every corner...

Here, a tastefully aged bar plays host to lovely glassware, antique silver and even a faux rhino on the wall.

Beautiful crystal chandeliers instantly create an opulent mood!

Vintage portraits are always a fun accent for your home, if you find just the right one!

This display of air plants and decorative scientific artifacts sits at the front of the store and leads you to the stairwell…  

Downstairs, a lavishly set table is one of the first things to greet visitors. I love how the vibe of this table is both elegant and casual.

Lemons, limes and oranges in a pretty bowl are always a great accent for the table or kitchen counter.

What a lovely china pattern!

Brass candlesticks, antique mirrors, chandeliers and portraits… some of my favorite things!

And look at this stunning girl embellished with all sorts of seashells and coral. What an amazing focal point she would be in someone’s fancy beach house!

You can spot her in the background among all the other fabulous finds.

French style lighting…

always create a fabulous mood in the home.

The pattern on this pillow looks kind of 
like a pine cone or a pineapple,

but I think it's actually a 

magnolia seed pod...

And here’s some fun “she shed” inspiration!

I just love to soak in all the details...

of this store, 

that's perfectly fit for a queen, or at least a princess!

I think the Paris Market will always be one of my favorite stops in Savannah.

If you're in Savannah,

the address for
the Paris Market is

36 West Broughton Street
at the corner of Whitaker Street.

ciao! fabiana

Check out this companion book for this blog post: