
April 5, 2018

dreaming of lilacs

Lilacs are oftentimes considered one of the first signals of spring. Having grown up on the east coast, I have a deep-seated affection for lilacs. They have truly the most magic aland intoxicating fragrance in the world. In southern California, with all the amazing plants we can grow, lilacs don’t seem to be a favorite of this climate.

The house I grew up in had a 100 foot long lilac hedge that divided our yard from our next door neighbors’. Each individual plant was just a tiny seedling when my father planted this hedgerow, and year after year, it quickly grew to an amazing treat for our eyes and noses. And luckily for me, my bedroom window was just above this luxurious shrubbery.   

So, whenever I see bouquets of lilacs for sale, the first thing I do is smell them. If they have even the slightest scent, then yes, they’re coming home with me!  They just fill the whole house with the aroma of home, childhood and love!

I love that purple lilacs symbolize the first emotions of love, while white lilacs represent youthful innocence. Don’t you love the language of flowers?

What’s your favorite spring flower?

By the way,

I haven’t found any lilacs yet this year,
but after seeing these images,

I’m on a mission!

and you'll be the first to know when I find some!


“I've not much interest in the important things of life. Only in the beautiful things. Just this lilac here makes me happy.”     ―Erich Maria Remarque

ciao,  fabiana

April 4, 2018

sunday's table

It’s already Wednesday, and I just realized I forgot to show you how my final Easter table turned out…

You know I played around with several different looks this year!

It was a little fancier and busier than I usually set,
but in person it was really fun and festive!

As I mentioned last week,

I found a few pretty vintage shabby chic chintz

curtain panels and ended up using one as a tablecloth

I paired it with some of the 
fun cabbage plates I’ve been collecting.  

Of course,

 my favorite little nests were scattered among 
the bunnies at the center of the table

are so perfect for celebrating Spring and Easter!

I’m hoping to use this shabby chintz  fabric again 

It's got so much detail in the pattern.

it goes with so many different looks.

Here’s some of the cabbage ware serving pieces,

both small and large,

that are waiting on the sideboard to be filled with
salads and other yummy side dishes. 

I do hope you all had a fabulous

Easter, Passover and weekend.  

 ciao! fabiana

April 2, 2018

10 outdoor spaces to embrace this spring

I love April!

When I think of April,
My first thoughts are of getting outdoors 
and enjoying the warmer weather.

Here are some of my favorite ways

1.  A dining space under a pergola.

2. A shady spot on a deck using an adorable umbrella.  

3. An irresistible garden path.

4. A showstopper of a front porch.

5. A touch of vintage Palm Beach style for the back yard.

6. Open up and let the outdoors flow indoors.

7. Create an outdoor dining area under a favorite tree. 

8. Or in a private courtyard.

9. Enjoy time out by the pool.

10. Create a resort feel in your own back yard…

no pool necessary!

 ciao! fabiana

photo credit:
House Beautiful
Architectural Digest
Tradtional Home
Coastal Living
Country Gardens

April 1, 2018

time in the garden

It’s been so nice out,

that I’ve been spending all my free time out in the garden.

After the winter months,
my garden was in need of some TLC,
so I’ve been busy pruning and planting…

mostly lavender and herbs.

I love how the lavender, thyme, rosemary,
mint, sage and oregano mix so well with my aloes

that are in bloom right now.

And the fruit trees are starting to blossom…

lemon, orange, apple and my very cool  pineapple guava.

The pineapple guava is a large tree-like shrub that has
pretty edible flowers in the spring 
and then later on in the summer,

it will bear little green fruit that are
super sweet and have a unique tropical flavor...

so yummy!

I’m also filling in with some of my favorite annual plants 
like cosmos and foxglove that are in the
lovely purple and pink color family.

There’s also a special project I’m working on…

zhushing up my garden shed.

I’m claiming the space as all-mine
so I have a few special things I’m working on 
and will be able to share it 
with you all very soon!


do something amazing today! 

ciao,  fabiana