
October 4, 2021

tablescape : weekend pattern play

New napkins and a crisp tablecloth are a fine way to start a Sunday morning. In this case, this is a new pattern from August Table called Juniper.


It’s a simple and whimsical pinecone pattern with the most beautiful border.


This print is available in five different colorways, and I just love this “Slate” blue color because it pairs so well with some of my favorite vintage plates.


Raffia placemats, wicker napkin rings and bamboo flatware always add the perfect dose of pretty texture to a table. A few late season hydrangeas freshly cut from the garden soften the look of the table and give us an extra special focal point.


Those vintage yellow goblets are thrown in for a little dash of sparkle. There’s a funny story connected to those, well sort of funny…


I found one at an estate sale recently for $1, and didn’t think much of it, because there was only one, and I do like to mix and match my vintage glassware.


Well, after sitting it on the table and seeing the sunlight streaming though together with these table linens, I just fell in love.

I was lucky enough to find 5 more exact matches on eBay for a reasonable price and now I have a lovely set of 6.


These mid-century glasses, Kings Crown Thumbprint pattern by Indiana Glass are just the prettiest shade of yellow. Nothing like the amber goblets I have in my collection.


I don’t know why, but I just like the unexpected pop of yellow as an understated nod to autumn.


Folding the napkins in this fan pattern also accentuates the fun border that goes all the way around this print. Not too shabby for a casual Sunday brunch at home.


ciao! fabiana



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