
June 28, 2018

my favorite tablescapes for summer

My top secret news is out! One of my favorite magazines and I are collaborating! I put together a vintage and upscale patriotic tablescape Romantic Homes, and in case you haven’t seen it, you can check out all the details here on their website.

My inspiration and starting point for setting this table were some of my favorite pieces of blue and red transferware plates.

And just for fun, here are some of my other patriotic tables from this year and last…

ciao,  fabiana

For a dazzling table, 
shop a similar look here:

a peek inside Luann's Hampton's home

The Countess Luann could be moving to the Catskills and her Sag Harbor home is currently on the market. You may recognize this quaint 1825 home from the Real Housewives of New York

Luann’s hosted quite a few gatherings with the ladies in this weekend getaway of hers, but we’ve only seen the kitchen, for the most part. Here’s a look at the rest of her pretty coastal home.   

ciao! fabiana

photo credit: Architectural Digest and Curbed

June 26, 2018

collaborating with Romantic Homes...

I’m so happy to announce my collaboration with Romantic Homes Magazine. I’ve written and photographed this vintage inspired tablescape exclusively for Romantic Homes, and you’re invited to check the whole story out here.

I collected some of my favorite tableware, 

just for this unique table setting…

Take the guesswork out of creating a similar upscale look 
for your guests with five simple steps.

For all the latest tablescapes and more,
follow me on instagram, and

I’d love to hear your plans for 
entertaining on the 4th of July…

 ciao! fabiana