
April 4, 2018

sunday's table

It’s already Wednesday, and I just realized I forgot to show you how my final Easter table turned out…

You know I played around with several different looks this year!

It was a little fancier and busier than I usually set,
but in person it was really fun and festive!

As I mentioned last week,

I found a few pretty vintage shabby chic chintz

curtain panels and ended up using one as a tablecloth

I paired it with some of the 
fun cabbage plates I’ve been collecting.  

Of course,

 my favorite little nests were scattered among 
the bunnies at the center of the table

are so perfect for celebrating Spring and Easter!

I’m hoping to use this shabby chintz  fabric again 

It's got so much detail in the pattern.

it goes with so many different looks.

Here’s some of the cabbage ware serving pieces,

both small and large,

that are waiting on the sideboard to be filled with
salads and other yummy side dishes. 

I do hope you all had a fabulous

Easter, Passover and weekend.  

 ciao! fabiana

1 comment:

  1. Love your flair. Thanks for the inspiration! Happy Spring my friend.


let me know what you think....