
November 24, 2021

happy thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is inching closer and closer. It’s that funny time of year between fall and Christmas when pumpkins coexist nicely with Christmas trees. I’m thankful for that, as well as a thousand other things, both big and small.


I can’t wait for the arrival of family tomorrow, the smell of turkey roasting in the oven and the wonder and amazement of how quickly it all goes by as we head into the end of another year.


This is the time to treasure those precious moments.


Now that the table is set, it’s on to making some of the side dishes and maybe a dessert.


The plan for today is to make the Creamy Green Bean Salad. This is a new yummy recipe that I saw Katie Lee make on The Kitchen. I’m going to get it all prepped for tomorrow.


The sweet potatoes and stuffing are already made… Yay!


I'm making a Chai Apple Galette for dessert. It’s actually a combination of three different recipes. It’s in the oven now and smells heavenly! The chai flavor comes from a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, fennel seed, cardamom and lemon zest added to the apples.


If you’re interested, I can share the recipe soon.


I just love how the candlelight brings everything to life at the table and casts such pretty shadows.


As for the table setting, combining my favorite things is always a success. Candles, pumpkins, pretty glassware always adds such charm to a Thanksgiving table.


Happy Wednesday, my friends.

ciao! fabiana



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Table linens by August Table

Succulents, pumpkins and trees from Armstrong Garden

Eucalyptus foraged from my friend Maureen's garden.