
March 4, 2021

an exotic tablescape, simply set

I just love this combination of French yellow and gray for spring. And here they're are brought to life with a really gorgeous contrast of colors and patterns are found on this Versailles table runner by Saffron Marigold. The oversized medallions and patterns on the table runner are just so beautiful. 


The delicate viny pattern of the Gardens of Versailles coordinating napkins is created in India by hand-printing using individually carved wood blocks.  


Seaside charm is added to these pretty Versailles linens with the addition of a single white starfish and velvety grey leaf of a dusty miller plant.  


I’m getting an old-school vibe here. Wooden gray-washed beads are reminiscent of coastal farmhouse décor, and the vintage amber glassware & brass candlesticks give a nod to a more indulgent style. 


Yellow is so cheery for spring, but you have to admit this look would work anytime of the year! 


All in all, this table came together with these lovely Versailles elements from Saffron Marigold and the rest were all pieces I already had on hand.  


Don't forget to check your cabinets and cupboards for beautiful tableware you may have stashed away! You’ll be surprised what you’ll find to pair with new table treasures. 

I hope you'll check back with me soon here on the blog. I have some fun news to share and an update on the Newport Harbor Home Tour


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 ciao! fabiana  



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