
March 13, 2020

two amazing recipes for St. Patrick's day

What better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day than with a little something sweet? I’ve incorporated some of my favorite ingredients to create a fresh and buttery Irish shortbread cookie.  

Traditionally, shortbread is made from three simple ingredients, butter, sugar and flour, and I’ve upped the flavor profile with this recipe by using authentic Irish butter which provides a richer taste.

Topped off with a decadent glaze made with fresh lime zest and lime juice, these cookies are perfect for celebrating everyone’s favorite Irish holiday! These cookies are the perfect companion for a cup of hot tea or coffee. Recipe found HERE.

No St. Patrick’s day would be complete at our home without homemade Irish Soda Bread. This is the easiest bread to make, since you use baking soda, hence the name soda bread, instead of yeast. And there’s no wait time to let the dough rise. Mix, form into a mound and pop this directly into the oven.  

Traditionally I use dried currants for this recipe, but as you can see, dried blueberries were used for a little fun twist. We love the dried Oregon blueberries from Trader Joe’s.  Recipe found HERE.

And I’m bringing my favorite green cabbageware plates to the table once again for our traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal of corned beef and cabbage. Whole Foods has great options for corned beef this year. I purchased two, and we had one earlier this week. 

If you’ve never cooked corned beef, it’s very easy. Basically, you boil it with special spices, onion, garlic, bay leaf and thyme and just let it cook for hours until it’s fork-tender. At that point you can add shredded cabbage, carrots and potatoes cook a bit longer and .... 


ciao! fabiana 

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