
September 29, 2017

amazing pink wildflowers at home

I spotted these pink flowers on a climbing vine in a friend’s yard the other day, and I couldn’t resist clipping a few branches to bring home with me. Aren’t they the most amazing color?

Pink flowers are always so feminine and flirty, and even though they’re not really much of a fall color, I thought they’d be so pretty in this vintage blue pitcher.

And they look amazing with blue and white for the weekend... then we're back to fall 

I'm so happy it's Friday and officially the last weekend in September. Yes, Monday starts the beginning of my favorite (because it's my birthday) month and it'll be an all-out Halloween pumpkin extravaganza around here!

Seriously, we'll have lots of pretty pumpkins, but for now I'm going to enjoy a little pink!   

ciao! fabiana

1 comment:

  1. The flowers are so pretty! I would've asked to snip some too. =) Happy birthday month.


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