
April 17, 2018

black and white stripes forever

Another one of my favorite classic combos…

black and white stripes!

Use them on a table,

for a formal or casual gathering.

It’s a traditional look with modern flair!

A little,


a lot…

It’s always a showstopper,

as in this wallpaper in my friend
Marion's kitchen.  

Outdoors this look can’t be beat…

It’s so versatile too!

These stripes can come off as too funky or edgy,

but they can actually bring balance to a room.

The perfect yin and yang!

 ciao! fabiana

photo credit:
1, 2  BH&G
3  Martha Stewart Weddings
7  Opal DC
8  Architectural Digest
9  NY Times
10  Woman's Day
11  House Beautiful
12, 13  Lido Marina Village
15 Domaine


  1. Love black and white decor...great pics of the various ways to use it. =)


let me know what you think....