
March 13, 2018

st. patrick's day prep

St. Patrick’s day is coming up on Saturday,
so I’m working on a few different tablescape looks
 and then I'll narrow it down to one,

or a combination of sorts.

Corned beef and root veggies will be on the menu…

the carrots, potatoes and onions will be boiled
and then slathered with Irish butter, chopped parsley 
and garlic…

so yummy! 

I love making irish soda bread  this week too.

I have a recipe that's especially good that’s made with
plain yogurt, caraway seeds and currants…

it’s perfect with coffee and tea  too!

How about a tasty Irish dessert?

What would you make?

Bread pudding, trifle or shortbread?

Maybe strawberry shortcake…

Is that kind of Irish?

Let me know if you celebrate St. Paddy’s day and
what your favorite traditions are… and


which place setting would you choose?

 ciao! fabiana


let me know what you think....