
August 22, 2017

time off


I just wanted to let you know
that I’m taking a few days off

and I’ll be back in September
with lots of fun, new posts
and lots of photos!

Can you believe fall is just around the corner?!

I'm so looking forward to all 
the festive pumpkins and autumn leaves
that'll be making their appearances very soon....

until then,
enjoy your last few days 
of summer!

ciao! fabiana 

August 20, 2017


I’m not a happy camper!

In fact, I just don’t like to go camping at all.
I leave that to my husband and boys
who seem to enjoy the whole situation.

…but just look at these adorable tents!

I could get use to a set up like these!

As long as there isn't too much work involved with 
setting up and cooking, I'm good to go.

When I'm on vacation,
the least amount of work the better... 

It's all about relaxing for me.

I hope you're having a fun Sunday!

ciao! fabiana

photo credit:
Sunset Magazine
Coast Magazine