
February 1, 2017

cute conversation bags

Coffee, roses and a special little something for me! I started my day by filling my new little conversation bag by Brenda Kristine with all my essentials. It's the perfect size and fits everything I need! These adorable special occasion bags are made locally by a fellow mom in the neighborhood, Brenda Zeigler

She uses the cutest fabrics and embellishments on her handmade bags, and I couldn't just choose one! I picked the xo pattern for me, and got a few extras to fill with goodies and gift for Valentine's Day. 

This little velvet “lipgloss” bag with the sexy black lace interior is my fave! It’s a bit smaller the conversation bags and is perfect for taking along in your handbag for a fun night out, or just when you want to feel special! 

And I couldn’t resist this black patterned bag with the lovely little red hearts adorning it. These will make the perfect valentine gifts for a few of my special friends and favorite teachers!

xoxo  fabiana

1 comment:

  1. Brenda makes beautiful bags and re-upholsters furniture/slipcovers/pillows -- she is the best!


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