
October 15, 2016

janet leigh's old-fashioned yellow cake

Another weekend, another fun recipe to try! This one is Janet Leigh’s Gateau Dore or just old-fashioned vanilla cake. The recipe originally comes from the Dinah Shore Celebrity Cookbook, a really fun one to check out! Janet Leigh is best remembered for her performance as Marion Crane in the movie Psycho (1960). 

She was married actor Tony Curtis, and they had two children together, Jamie Lee Curtis and Kelly Curtis. During their high-profile union, the couple starred in five films together, my favorite being Houdini. It’s a great one to watch on Halloween

Anyways, this yummy cake can be baked for any occasion and can be dressed up with different frostings and fruits, to suit your mood. 

Of course, paired with ice cream, it's a classic. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Here’s our cake decorated with a few white pansies and ferns from my garden. I just used an easy recipe for vanilla buttercream frosting. This is so perfect for a simple gathering of friends and family!

ciao! fabiana


  1. That looks delicious, Fabiana! Love the way you used the pansies and ferns...beautiful! Happy Sunday!

  2. Bellissimo post! Ciao ! Non ti ho dimenticata!! Kisses


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