
December 24, 2014

a Christmas table inspired by music

Christmas sheet music is the inspiration this year for my Christmas table. I just cut out large paper circles and nestled them between a gold charger plate and a glass dish.  Just use a salad plate as a template to trace a circle.  Cut out your circles and just place under a clear glass plate, like this...

ciao! fabiana

wrapping paper for a place setting

I like using fun wrapping paper as my inspiration for dinner party themes. 

Just select your favorite paper, trace large circles using a salad plate, and there you go, you have a unique place setting! 

The possibilities are endless to create custom themes for your next party!

ciao! fabiana


While I’m here today, I wanted to share some of my "Tablescaping Essentials" with you. I have a whole page on the Amazon website with my favorite picks for setting a beautiful table.

Quite often time is of the essence, and I have last minute projects or events to work on, so I turn to Amazon for one or two day delivery. You’d be surprised at how many amazing items they have to offer! And I'm constantly updating this page with my new favorites. 

You can check it out here, at Tablescaping Essentials.

Get this New Year's eve kit now from Amazon:

December 22, 2014

favorite Christmas table settings

simple and pretty looks for Christmas…

ciao! fabiana

December 21, 2014

decorating with glass ornaments

Just a few of my favorite ideas…

photo credits 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

ciao! fabiana

newport christmas boat parade cocktails

The Village Inn on Balboa Island has created three new holiday cocktails in honor of this year’s Christmas boat parade and its grand marshals Leslie Mann and Mark McGrath. 

The Gingerbread Mann is made with cranberry rosemary ice cubes, The Balboa Bar is garnished with a piece of world-famous Balboa Bar {chocolate covered frozen banana}, and of course, you must try the classic McGrath Moonshine Mule!

ciao! fabiana