
January 12, 2013

mary mcdonald's home on m d d

a work in progress

This week on the season finale of 
Million Dollar Decorators,  
Mary showed off her newly revamped house.  
The adjectives thrown around to describe 
the update were cool "grandma-ish", 
"Palm Beach", "Palm Springs", and "1970's" 
all with a modern twist that only Mary can pull off.  

She chose a pretty green and white 
Quadrille wallpaper and matching fabric 
for her kitchen nook area.

checking out the finished kitchen with BFF Nathan

I love the velvet chairs and modern light fixture

detail of Quadrille wall covering and fabric

pretty details too
  In her bedroom, 
Mary centered the design on a 
beautiful hand-painted 
Gracie wall paper that is ultra-feminine 
and very traditional, 
even if it meant carpeting 
over a graphic floor she just had painted.  

The end product is stunning.  
I love the subtle soft pink accessories 
scattered about.

Mary's mantel

Jeffrey paying a visit to a frenzied Mary

Gorgeous sitting area

bedroom vignette with lots of layers of whites, creams and soft grays

a great mix of modern touches

a little soft pink is perfect
Mary's living room was described 
by Kathryn as "very grown-up",
 even though there was a funny smell in there, 

Beautiful shades of green fabrics 
with white walls dominate this design. 
Personal touches in the form of accessories 
that she has collected over the years,
 add personality to the room.   

Simple and grown-up

beautiful symmetry

and gorgeous details

ciao! fabiana


  1. Not sure this was my favorite work from Mary and I usually LOVE her style. The kitchen was by far my fave here. I think I like the graphic patterns she uses and I missed them in the rest of the house. The bedroom was pretty but on my monitor and on the TV I thought it was more sea foam green than grey and I have never found it easy to embrace that color. Paired with the soft pink, which I like, I do think it was sort of grandma-ish. As for the living room it was almost too balanced. Pairs of everything left it feeling too contrived for me. Your photos make it look better than it did on TV where it just felt disjointed and too busy. Sorry. for me this whole project just went a bit flat. I expect more from her because I have seen what she is capable of. I wasn't too crazy about what Katherine did for Lindsay's place either. Liked the colors and I know this is the look they were going for but it didn't wow me either. What I did like was the catalog beach house that Jeffrey did. That was fresh, clean, and just quirky enough to be really interesting. Loved it.

    Fun post, I always like seeing what inspired you and enjoy comparing reactions. :D

  2. I was googling trying to find pictures of Mary's beautiful new bedroom and it brought me to your blog! I featured your pictures today, I hope you don't mind :) I of course linked over and gave you credit, but wanted to let you know! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I'm absolutely in love with Mary's new bedroom!

  3. I've been by your blog today too, hunting photos of Mary's kitchen wallpaper. Surprisingly, I love Mary's personal home, much of her client work is too modern for me. I love this show, but I don't think I could ever turn my personal space over to someone else...way too scary. Thanks for coming by to party!

  4. i saw this too and was knocked out by mary's wall treatments. crazy about them both. i couldn't believe how bossy and in your face she was!



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