
December 17, 2011

time to dress up the banister!

Bannisters are the perfect place
to add a little Christmas cheer.

Evergreens are always a great choice!

And then all you need to do is
add a festive personal touch.

ciao! fabiana


While I’m here today, I wanted to share some of my "Tablescaping Essentials" with you. I have a whole page on the Amazon website with my favorite picks for setting a beautiful table.

Quite often time is of the essence, and I have last minute projects or events to work on, so I turn to Amazon for one or two day delivery. You’d be surprised at how many amazing items they have to offer! And I'm constantly updating this page with my new favorites. 

You can check it out here, at Tablescaping Essentials.


  1. These bannisters are just gorgeous! It makes me want to have one too!


  2. Nann

    These banisters are all just beautiful. It inspires me to do more with mine. Thanks for sharing such great photos and ideas. Love it.

  3. Great inspiration!

    I love that one with the white plate wall you can glimpse in the background!

    I'm hosting the Christmas Tree theme of a Blogging Around the Christmas Tree linky party, and would love to have you stop by and share your tree!

    Oh, and I'm your newest follower!


    ~Abbie (

  4. So many great images!
    I love the ones that are lit and illuminate the hallways. So pretty!

  5. There are some really striking images amongst these. I would love to decorate like some of these.


  6. Thank you for sharing the season and inspiration at Potpourri Friday! May you have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!

  7. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a very Merry Christmas!

  8. So many inspiring images! Thank you for joining the party!

  9. The red and white bells are so amazing. Loved all the stair decorations. Thank you ever so much for sharing so we could all enjoy! I am so glad I found your special place here. I will follow on my way out so as I would love to visit again. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place and do the same. Best wishes for some happy holiday time. I look forward to engaging and supporting your blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  10. thank you so much for sharing this delightful post on BeColorful. I even recognized one as mine from last year. :0 I pinned my heart out here with ideas for next year and I wanted you to know I featured your post on this week's Motivated Monday.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


let me know what you think....