
December 11, 2016

christmas roses of many colors

Here’s a little fairy tale of a story… 

Once upon a time I stopped by Trader Joe’s for a some milk and bread, when suddenly as I was walking through the floral section, I was stopped by a charming group of roses. They were quiet, but spoke to me in a way only beautiful flowers can, through color and fragrance. 

Pink, yellow, orange and cream, the colors work so lovely together. The roses were so pretty that they sat next to me on the drive home, keeping a smile on my face with their lovely scent. In the car they spoke to me again... a deja vu of sorts.... 

Yes, those roses reminded me of The Ivy, a landmark restaurant nestled between Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. To have them look their best, I’d have to dress these roses in the appropriate vintage style of The Ivy. And how I love vintage tableware! 

The next day the Mr and I headed out to the thrift store with our carload of donations. We dropped off our goods, and stopped in to check out the housewares department, and what happened to appear before my very eyes, but treasure after treasure for my table... 

first a silver plated coffee pot, then a small hand-painted ceramic pitcher, a set of vintage Japanese plates with pink and yellow flowers, sky blue cut glass compotes and more.

Happy with my purchases and already setting the table in my head, we drove home, but wait! Another thrift store… a few more goodies and then an estate sale, and another… 

we finally made it home with our treasures.

The table is set for a lovely Sunday brunch, and I feel transported (in more ways than one) to The Ivy! Happily ever after, for now. Thanks for taking this little shopping excursion with me. xoxo

ciao! fabiana


  1. Your photos really captured the essence of The Ivy! I love that it was all inspired by the colorful roses you found at Trader Joe's. And such a treasure trove of vintage treasures you found while out thrifting! A simple silver pitcher filled with beautiful pink, yellow and cream roses is always a thing of beauty and enticing on any table.
    Thank you for providing an extra touch of beauty in the lives of your readers through your blog.
    ~~Carol in San Diego
    ~Carol in San diego

    1. Hi Carol. Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting! It's so nice to hear from you!



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